On-boarding Meeting Agenda and Agreement
Meeting Links:
Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/3368030779
A. Zoom Protocols:
Cameras: We ask that your camera is turned on during Zoom meetings. This is important to ensure effective communication, develop personal connections, and maintain a level of professionalism and accountability in a remote community.
Zoom Backgrounds: We use Zoom backgrounds to give you a certain level of privacy while having your camera on during Meetings/Zoom sessions. Please click here to learn more.
Zoom Backgrounds: Click here to access custom 24/7-Zoom backgrounds. Please choose one to use during your 24/7 Meeting.
(Please sign in with your 24/7 Teach email to access).
1. Corporate Culture:
Wellness Check-in: (What we do before every meeting)
Check-in and check-in question
24/7 Superstars: Your official title is (department) Superstar.
A Superstar: A person who enjoys wide recognition, is esteemed for exceptional talent, and is eagerly sought after for his or her services.
Example: I am an Instructional Design Superstar
I am Complete: (What we say when we are finished speaking)
SLACK: is our primary form of communication
A member of the 24/7 Professional Network and Mentorship community
24/7 Advocacy: Everyone is a 24/7 Brand Ambassador and advocates for 24/7 Teach, our team, services, and mission.
Advocate: (Definition)
(Noun) a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.
synonyms: champion, upholder, supporter, backer, promoter, proponent, exponent, protector, patron;
(Verb) publicly recommend or support.
synonyms: recommend, prescribe, commend, advise, favor, approve of, support, back, uphold, subscribe to, champion, campaign on behalf of, stand up for, speak for, argue for, plead for, press for, lobby for, urge, promote, espouse, endorse, sanction, vouch for;
You will be responsible for advocating and celebrating your accomplishments and your fellow superstars’ accomplishments via various social media platforms.
2. Review of Internship Assignment 1:
What are we building? The Education model and school of the future
How does the Henry Ford analogy in the audio message connect to our mission?
What is a hedgehog concept according to the Good to Great Summary?:
In your own words, what is our hedgehog concept?:
Are your responsibilities within our hedgehog framework and mission clear?
3. On-boarding requirement Check-in: Completed Yes or No?
Have you been added to SLACK? -
Please download to your phone -
Please access the Announcement Room -
Notifications: Also, if you are not receiving notifications for all posts that are posted here in the announcements, make sure you have “All new messages” checked under notifications for this channel. Click here for more information.
Completion of the 24/7 Onboarding Agreement - Yes or No
If “No,” click here (password: 247learn)
Completion of bio, picture - Yes or No
Please send your picture and bio to Justice via Slack.
24/7 Teach App: Add your picture and bio to your 24/7 Teach App profile - https://247teach.app
24/7 Email - Add your picture to your 24/7 Gmail account -
Slack - Photo and title added to Slack Profile
Zoom and Zoom Backgrounds - Have you downloaded them? Please see above.
Completion of NDA - Yes or No
Have you completed the 24/7 Self Evaluation Assessment - Yes or No
Do you agree to support in celebrating superstar accomplishments via Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram (Follow us), etc.… - Yes or No
Have you liked and followed the 24/7 Teach profile pages on Facebook/Instagram/Linkedin - Yes or No
Please connect with two people via Linkedin
Connect with and Follow Justice Jones
Connect with one person from your cohort
4. Your Superstar Experience is a 90, 120, or 180-day program:
It starts today (Please add the date to your 24/7 Calendar and share the appointment with recruitment@247education.org):
It ends on (Please add the date to your 24/7 Calendar and share the appointment with recruitment@247education.org):
In your Calendar entry:
Your first name, last name starts Superstar Program starts or ends at 9am, est, today’s date.
Your first name, Last name Superstar Program ends at 9 pm, est, 90 days or 120 from today’s date.
Adult Internship Programs are 120 or 180 days
Teen Internship Programs are 90 days
Please add the dates in the form below
5. Your 24/7 Professional Portfolio:
Create a folder in your 24/7 Google Drive with your name on it and share the folder with hrfolders@247teach.org.
This folder will serve as your initial portfolio and where you should keep all of your 24/7 work.
6. Consistent Meeting times:
You will have 2 to 3 meetings per week:
Weekly Team Meetings
Team Meeting - Determined by Team - Click here for more information
Company-Wide - Once every quarter, 9 pm to 10:15 pm - Is this added to your 24/7 Calendar?
If you miss three meetings, you will be removed from the program.
7. Meeting and Assignments Protocols:
If you have questions, please contact your team leader ASAP via Slack. Do not wait for meeting times.
If you need to reschedule an individual meeting, please give your team leader at least an hour’s notice.
If you cannot complete your assigned task, please inform your team leader at least an hour before the meeting.
Please contact your team leader as soon as your assignment is completed, and do not wait for meeting times.
Three hours of your week should be spent providing feedback and support to team member assignments.
New York Times Rule of Assignments: Please complete your assignments as if it were going to be placed on the front page of the New York Times newspaper or website. (You never know who will see your work and where it will be posted)
Please see example below: One post achieved 37,597 views from professionals from multiple fortune 500 companies.
8. Performance Evaluation:
How you will be evaluated and scored as a 24/7 Team Member and Professional:
100 point scale
Quality Work product: (Skill level)
Advocacy: Your ability to advocate for yourself and other team members. (Your ability to create, provide and receive value)
Attendance and Participation in team and individual meetings: (50%)
Attendance and Participation in Company-Wide Meetings: (50%)
Content Knowledge:
Usability and effectiveness of your work based on what you have learned
Time Management and Self Regulation
Active Learning/ Self-Motivation
Reflection and Teach
Ability to explain and guide others
Feedback offered to other learners
9. Superstar Learning Presentation:
Completed at the end of your Superstar Experience
10. The Supermarket: (What is it?)
Click here to watch the Supermarket Video
Please review and be ready to discuss.
12. Next Assignment (Due in 72 hours)
Step 1: Please introduce yourself to your team leader via Slack, get the information you need to attend the next team meeting, and let them know you've completed your onboarding meeting.
Step 2: Complete a 2-minute video detailing:
What do you want to create during your superstar experience? (Please only use your superstar titles)
How will you know that you are successful with your creation.
Step 3: Please add your video to youtube channel associated with your 24/7 email with the title “What I want to create with 24/7 Teach.”
Step 4: Please share the youtube video link in the 24/7 Random (@random) slack channel and with the 24/7 Recruitment team at recruitment@247education.org, within 72 hours of completing your onboarding meeting.
13. Human Resources Questions:
Please email all questions that pertain to human resources to the HR Team at hr@247teach.org.